目前分類:碎碎念 (3)

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I'm silly to choose to try a new life all by myself.

Cause it means nothing at all.

I know I've let you down.

I miss you,I hate to stay alone all day and night.

I try to find a way to carry on.

How can get through the period of time without you?

There is no one left to talk to.

Most of the time,I talk to myself like an idiot.

Maybe it's not wise to choose all courses on one day.

Cause it turns out that I would stay all the other six days in room and never even go downstairs.

I guess nobody would know that whether I'm alive or not.






lisa9901 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Oct 19 Sun 2008 18:38
  • Mr.Big

閑著無聊又把Sex and the city第一季翻出來看.



Mr.Big attracts Carrie most like you attracting me.

Mr.Big makes Carrie happy and sad easily,so do you.

Mr.Big is cute and adorable,so are you.

Mr.Big is afraid to make promise,so are you.

Mr.Big never say "I love you" to Carrie,and you seldom say it.

Undoubtedly,Mr.Big likes Carrie,and enjoys staying with Carrie,

the problem is he doesn't feel so sure about Carrie,he isn't sure whether Carrie is the one.

And you are exactly the same.Maybe you're not so sure,either.

Carrie wanna confidence like I do.

But Big dont give her confidence just like you.


Wait,wait.....the fact is finally they get married in the Movie version<Sex and the city>.

Shall we come to the same outcome?God knows.

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 哈哈 昨晚真抱歉 把寶貝從睡夢中叫醒,害他還以爲是鬼來電~!!





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